Finding something different, Navtej Kohli quest about new book end with Banana which wrote by Dan Koeppel . Describing more about book Banana and writer Dan Koeppel Navtej kohli says “It’s just be first part of Banana history, author must have know more about around the world for writing about Banana .”
This is a book which name give hint for what to book be written, yes its be true that Book is dedicated for Banana lovers gives various moods and lifestyle which are depends upon the history of Banana also gives various political situation and evens
Dan Koeppel Book in real be full description of banana history and its cultivation. The author Dan Koeppel wisely written its Book and avoid to give its personal traveling experience and given some straight biographical reasons. While Dan Koeppel started writing about Banana from where it came into existence - in an arc from New Guinea through Southeast Asia. And he describes its spread to Asia, the Pacific, Africa, and the Americas. Many events are also attached with the history of banana. The first is the growth of North American banana companies such as the United Fruit Company and Dole, starting with the first large banana shipments in 1870. Koeppel describes their role in Central American politics, most notably in the Guatemalan coup of 1954, and their domestic politics and the colorful businessmen involved with them. This book also throw light upon various old Banana verities and also new one .People always like banana to be seedless .Some banana variety was caused of diseases so that be soon replaced such that Cavendish which was be big caused of Panama Disease, caused by a fungus. Also author describe scientist research for making more banana breeding.
More about Banana can be found in that Book ,author also wrote about monkey and make some remarks over Banana and monkeys life , he stated that monkeys always like to eat banana , but the question is that ‘Who discover Banana Monkeys or other “. Before that man had adopted and used banana as fruit and start to use in daily life, banana is just nothing but wild herbs perhaps that breed unable to eat , but used as medicine , but after while man had started it cultivation , banana became more tasty and good to eat . But many point which associated with the Banana Dan Koeppel had forget to write about that banana is also related with various religious and rituals which make it more auspicious. Either write having idea only on America continent and in Asia and Africa many culture and religion using banana in their rituals. Moreover book is just like encyclopedia and throws light various uses and events associated with banana . But in my point of view that not be end of banana , some more book in the series Dan Koeppel will have to write.
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