Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Muslim Civilization : Umer Chapra

Muslim Civilization: The Causes of Decline and the Need for Reform

Navtej Kohli is a very secular person and he never like to favor or oppose any caste or culture but after reading Mr Umer Chapra book Muslim Civilization Navtej Kohli had set up his mind to tell something.
It’s a book in which writer successfully correlate and abides modern economy with Muslims economy. But in my view that author had failed to make clear his vision either he was afraid or even he had tore some pages after writing that because he had not mentioned what be plane and how should it be framed. They had map out what problems that must be first tackle like , Muslims and economy growth are parallel running processing since last seven centuries , in beginning its moved upwards but now going downward comparison to other. Islam , Muslims and off course economy are in coordination means with each other , in other words either or not Islam responsible for less economical Muslims growth. While staring his vision Chapra had vision which originally define by fourteenth century philosopher/historian Ibn Khaldun. Which states that it be derived by nature that every government have to follow Islam which contains wealth , prosperity , development and justice but writer had told that Islamic societies began to decline with the failure of the political authority. According to writer before Islam there was sop many tribes living and then Islam wipe out these tribes into powerful , political and social Muslims society , but he was unable to point what be limitation while the government or society was in critical moves means limitation of Islam mostly he drew Middle east Asian society .But when we go further author of book describe Ibn Khaldun's theory to find out what be reason to fall of Muslims society .He writes “given the upward push that Islam provided to these societies, there would be little justification in blaming it for their later decline." Writer had declined kuran’s claim that Islam progress is not only one day work but he get mature by generation by generation. Like Ibn writer is also agree that Islam was not but internal political disputes are responsible for that. Further writer point out few points that political illegitimacy, general overindulgence in military campaigns, unjust taxation and detrimental economic policies was behind of fall of Islamic world. But after discussing various issue writer had came to point that reason behind the fall are declines in education, science and technology
Chapter five analyzes the decline in education, science, and technology, all of which were vibrant in the first few centuries of Islam. While the writer concerns and book is concerns I am very frank to tell this which I suppose be necessary to point out that writer took dare decision to write about that but he really confused what he want to write either Muslims , Islam , political or even economical condition or even describing history. More over its be good book for library and students to read.
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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

The Roman Triumph : Mary Beard

Navtej Kohli having much interest in reading in historical books , some books that be wrote during the era expressing clear image of that time of society but when a person write about past historical events , because describing that type in which the author was not lived like shooting bird in dark . Navtej Kohlihad read a book written by Mary Beard and the name of the Book The Roman Triumph.
Mary Beard beautifully described the Roman Era specially while get backed after victory and the scene was welcome in the city. When major military victory was be accomplished in ancient Rome, the general under which army was fought, passed through all main places and reached to the temple of Jupiter on the Capitoline Hill. This book show how in reality Roman victory was cheered in ancient days . Besides past golden days this books also shows shaded area in Roman Era.
What did it mean when the axle broke under Julius Caesar's chariot? Or when Pompey's elephants got stuck trying to squeeze through an arch? Or when exotic or pathetic prisoners stole the general's show? And what are the implications of the Roman triumph, as a celebration of imperialism and military might, for questions about military power and "victory" in our own day? The triumph, Mary Beard contends, prompted the Romans to question as well as celebrates military glory.
Mary imagination was just go beyond reality while describing the things which Roman conquers after victory such that animals which was not seen yet or even Roman Officers cruelty while they showed wars prisoners during victory march past .Many times Mary just want to ask that why people not celebrating his lost either in war or even game. Means the person who is winner always try to insult and tease the looser in such a way that loser either turns slave or even turns to became man eater tiger.
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Friday, June 13, 2008

Navtej Kohli reviews ' Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears'

"Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears by Verna Aardema" A review by Navtej Kohli

Written in a cumulative format this Caldecott award winning African tale, or better say porquoi story tells why mosquitoes buzz in people ears ( for those who don’t know what a porquoi story is, it is a story that explains why something is the way it is).
The story goes like this – A Mosquito says something silly in Iguana’s ears, who in response put sticks into his ears so that he would not hear such foolishness ever again. Now, another animal who got scared to see iguana that way, triggers a chain of chaos and panic roping in one animal after another. It continued until a monkey brings a twist in the tale. In the end, animals figure out the tragedy. They blame the mosquito and gets furious with him. Thus, according to this story mosquitoes buzz in people's ears to ask if everyone is still angry with them.

Book has some excellent illustrations that further extend and elucidate the tale. Each illustration is is made livelier with vivid watercolors and airbrush strokes. Each figure has been purposely outlined with white, to give stained-glass look. Sometimes the print is black on white and, in the endless night, it is white on black. As the animals explain the sequence of events, one part of the illustration shows what they think happened while another part on the same page shows what really happened. The Dillons make comic characters of some of the animals. An antelope, unmentioned in the text, mugs at the viewer on several pages, stealing the scene. A red bird, also unmentioned is on each page and seems to represent the reader there.

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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

ODD HOURS Dean Koontz

Navtej Kohli recently read ODD hours of Dean Koontz and feels that writer wrote the story in such a way that can attract reader for all the time but the essence of the story was missing.

Odd Thomas is very moody person while he writhing any novel , he never predefines what be next event or even scene in my book or story , even they moves around and try to find new plots as well as character for his story. Odd hours are the fourth book of Dean Koontz and Odd Thomas series. In this book Odd Thomas is a vary brave and intelligent guys and fought bravely for saving many cities from destruction. Odd Thomas is 23 year old passionate loving cheerful who like to live in danger and fight bravely. He has superlative abilities to smell danger knowing lost valuable goods, solving mystery and confused souls who are unable or unwilling to “move on.”
Moreover ODD hours are very interesting book and give enjoyment for the person every age. Especially youth like that book very much.

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